Corona = “Crown”

Does Corona represent the crown of life or of death?

Lucian Lucia
2 min readApr 1, 2020

Today is a day unlike any other.

I sit here in my home where I have limited my sphere of influence to about a one mile radius for obtaining only essential items (e.g., groceries, drugs). I remain a prisoner in my own home that was once only a haven of rest, but now it has become one of extreme solitude. What has prompted such a sentence? It is an organism whose size is infinitesimal. It is NOT even alive. Yet, its propagation from a market in central China has catapulted humanity into a time akin to the Dark Ages.

We remain cloaked in the mystery of isolation, not knowing when it will attack, not knowing how it will injure, not knowing principally when it will end. And what do we do? All we can do it wait, right? No, if we resign ourselves to waiting, we crown Corona as the lord of death and suffer the agonies of the death sentence. However, and ironically, if we embrace it as a harbinger of life, of renewal, especially during this time of Pesach and Lenten observance, we instead claim the victory that we deserve as children of G-d. Corona, or “Crown”, can only do what the Maker has intended: bring us closer to Him.

When we are together, we are far better than alone in times of crisis.

When we get lost in the trappings of civilization, i.e., creature comforts, busy lives, long work days, and too many material pleasure, we forget our purpose. We forget HIM! And sometimes, He sends us wake up calls. Many times, they are not like the Flood, intended to wipe us out, but instead to awaken us with a gentle clarion call.

Wake up!

Don’t continue to be blindsided by the luxury around you. Instead see the natural luxury in your brothers and sister who need you, in the natural landscapes, in the world waiting for you to discover it. Can we open our eyes and see the truth of this virus? Or are we resigned to see it as the avatar of death, destruction, and decimation?

Let’s remember that we do not live in a world of chaos, but one that is endowed by its Maker with His traits. All we need to do is wake up and the crown of life is waiting for us to put it on by loving our fellow humans.

